4th International Seminar on Urban Conservation

23 – 25 November 2004,
Recife – Brazil
The seminar is organized by the Center for Advanced Studies on Integrated Conservation (CECI) and the Federal University of Pernambuco. It is supported by: ICCROM, WHC/UNESCO, IPHAN, CAIXA and the Brazilian Ministry of Cities. Previous editions of the Seminar were held in Recife 1995 and 1998, and Salvador 2001. The main objective of the seminar is to discuss the new concept of “interface” as a tool that can bridge the disciplines of the multidisciplinarity field of the integrated conservation. The seminar will focus four main themes related to the use of interfaces in the integrated conservation from the theoretical and practical point of view:

(A) Urban conservation across the limits of disciplines: can shared values and common goals lead to cohesive action?

(B) Communication across disciplines in urban conservation: how can poets talk to engineers?

(C) Technology and new interfaces in the service of urban conservation – useful tools or fancy distractions?

(D) Will new interfaces bridging disciplinary knowledge of professionals and non-disciplinary perception of the public bring better decisions or yet more divergence?

Authors interested in presenting a paper on one of above themes are welcome to submit an extended abstract (400-600 words) in English to the executive committee of the seminar till 31 January 2004.

Precise information on themes, organization and submission details can be found in the following website:


Prof. Dr. Silvio Mendes Zancheti

Director of CECI

Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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