Konzervácia exteriérovej bronzovej plastiky

Seminár s týmto zameraním od roku 1994 každoročne organizuje New York Conservation Foundation. Tento rok sa bude konať v dňoch 2. – 6. a 9. – 13. augusta v New York City a v Princetone, štát New Jersey, USA. Seminár je určený pre konzervátorov, študentov, kurátorov zbierok, bronziarov, umelcov a obchodníkov s umením.
Introduction to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture

New York Conservation Foundation
August 2 – 6, 9 – 13, 2004 in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey, USA:

“The Bronze Seminar” integrates diverse conditions, technical practices, aesthetic systems, and basic logistics and administration, for conserving outdoor bronze sculpture. Expert lectures, participant presentations and group discussions help place bronze monuments and their care in contexts of studio and foundry practice, environmental science, aesthetics and civilization. Field exercises include connoisseurship tours of outdoor monuments, and hands-on conservation and maintenance of outdoor bronzes.

Since 1994, about 100 conservators, conservation students, curators, foundry crafts people, art handlers and artists from the Americas and Europe have participated in this annual seminar.

This seminar addresses closely related aims:
1. Introduce outdoor bronze sculpture caretakers and their supervisors to current knowledge, theory and methods, oriented to the ethics and practices of modern conservation.
2. Share access to useful resources in the care of outdoor bronze sculpture, including experts, literature, technology and supply.

For details and to contact the Foundation, please visit
URL: http://www.nycf.org

Please feel free to contact us if you need more information or have any questions.

John Scott, Conservator of Art and Architecture
President, New York Conservation Foundation
c/o L Kenepaske, NYCF Secretary
275 Madison Avenue Suite 2010
New York, NY
10016 USA

212 714 0620 voicemail, 714 0149 fax

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