Prírodovedné poznatky pre konzervátorov

15. – 18. novembra 2004 sa bude v Somersete, štát New Jersey, USA konať dvojdňový seminár o prírodných vedách pre konzervátorov, ktorý organizuje New York Conservation Foundation v rámci svojho programu Eastern Analytical Symposium. Témou prvého dňa seminára bude kontaminácia zbierok, druhý deň bude venovaný konsolidácii prírodného kameňa.

The 11th Eastern Analytical Symposium
New York Conservation Foundation Conservation Science Annual

November 15 and 16, 2004
Somerset, NJ, USA

The New York Conservation Foundation (NYCF) coordinates and co-supports the Conservation Science Annual (CAS) sessions, as part of the annual EAS technical program (November 15-18, 2004).
Since 1994, the EAS Program Committee, NYCF and other sponsors have supported these sessions of invited papers on current analytical methods, technology and results in conservation science.
In 2004 for the 11th year the EAS/NYCF CAS will feature two full days of papers from American and European conservators and scientists in applied and research fields.

EAS offers several other sessions, short courses, workshops, and seminars of interest for conservation science and analysis. Also this year, EAS and NYCF begin a special seminar for college students on Chemistry Careers in Conservation, featuring presentations from conservation professionals in research and in treatment laboratories.

2004 CAS session topics:

Day 1: Contaminated Collections and Inherent Collection Hazards, Testing for Contaminants
Organizer & Session Chair: Judith J. Bischoff, Ph.D., National Park Service Health & Safety
Session Chair: Catherine Hawks, Conservator in Private Practice

Day 2: Consolidation of Natural Stone, and Its Evaluation, Consolidants
Organizer & Session Chair: Stefan Simon, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Session Chair: M. Laurenzi-Tabasso, ICCROM Consultant

For a complete listing and anticipated schedule of the EAS/NYCF CSA papers and more on the EAS/NYCF Chemistry Careers seminar, and for a link to EAS online with the entire EAS program, housing information and online registration, and to contact the Foundation, please visit URL:

Please feel free to contact us if you need more information or have any questions.

John Scott, Conservator of Art and Architecture
President, New York Conservation Foundation
c/o L Kenepaske, NYCF Secretary
275 Madison Avenue Suite 2010
New York, NY
10016 USA

212 714 0620 voicemail, 714 0149 fax

Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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Súvisiace články

Konzervácia exteriérovej bronzovej plastiky

Seminár s týmto zameraním od roku 1994 každoročne organizuje New York Conservation Foundation. Tento rok sa bude konať v dňoch 2. – 6. a 9. – 13. augusta v New York City a v Princetone, štát New Jersey, USA. Seminár je určený pre konzervátorov, študentov, kurátorov zbierok, bronziarov, umelcov a obchodníkov s umením.

Conservation Technology Forum in Tasmania

Conservation Technology Forum in Tasmania
25th November 2004
As a result of enquiries from a number of conservation practitioners the APT Australasian Chapter will be re-formatted as a Conservation Technology Forum to provide a vehicle for the dissemination of information about conservation technology. Participation in the Forum will be open to anyone with a professional interest.

Martin Weaver | 1938 – 2004

Martin Weaver was an internationally recognised expert on the conservation of buildings and other heritage items ranging from steam locomotives to U-boats. Trained as an architect in London, Martin began working on archaeological sites in Britain and the Middle East and developed a life-long interest in the science of materials and their conservation.