The Conservation of Cemetery Sites

Adelaide Heritage Conservation Seminar The Conservation of Cemetery Sites
A one day seminar in Adelaide is being convened on 24 October 2003 to provide practical advice on the conservation of cemetery sites. Experts will discuss differences between cemeteries and burial rites; the causes of deterioration; the conservation of stone monuments and metal elements; the use of modern products to make good old problems……finding old skills today, and the role of volunteers in caring for this important part of our history. The presentations will be supplemented with a site visit to historic West Terrace Cemetery.
The seminar will be of particular interest to those looking after entire cemetery sites or individual burial monuments. It is also useful for those wanting to learn more about the causes of deterioration and appropriate conservation materials and methods.
Venue: Edmund Wright House, King William Street, Adelaide
Time: 9-5pm
Please contact Fran Stropin from the Heritage Branch, Department for Environment and Heritage, on 8124 4942 or email on
Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia