Getty Conservation Institute – Conservation Guest Scholars Program

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the 2004/2005 Conservation Guest Scholars program. Grants will be awarded to established scholars and professionals from conservation and allied fields to pursue independent scholarly research while in residence for three to nine months at the GCI in
Los Angeles.With an emphasis on the visual arts (including sites, buildings, and objects), the program seeks to encourage new ideas and perspectives in areas of wide general interest to the conservation community. Conservation Guest Scholar benefits include airfare, housing, and a monthly stipend.

Further information and an application form are available online at, or you may contact the Getty Grant Program by e-mail at, by fax at (310) 440-7703, or by phone at (310) 440-7374.

Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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Gettyho granty . Grants from the Getty

Campus Heritage Initiative
The Getty Grant Program recently awarded more than $1.5 million in grants to support the preservation needs of historic buildings, sites, and landscapes on college and university campuses across the United States as part of its Campus Heritage initiative. The next Campus Heritage application deadline is April 10, 2003.
Additional Information…

Prírodovedné poznatky pre konzervátorov

15. – 18. novembra 2004 sa bude v Somersete, štát New Jersey, USA konať dvojdňový seminár o prírodných vedách pre konzervátorov, ktorý organizuje New York Conservation Foundation v rámci svojho programu Eastern Analytical Symposium. Témou prvého dňa seminára bude kontaminácia zbierok, druhý deň bude venovaný konsolidácii prírodného kameňa.

The International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

Oslo, Norway, 24 May to 2 July, 2004
Since the first course in 1984, about 190 participants from 74 countries have attended the program. Course concludes with a written examination, which awards university credits if passed. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration during the 6 weeks of training.

TERRA 2008 International Conference

Vo februári 2008 sa v Bamaku, hlavnom meste Mali, uskuto?ní 10. medzinárodná konferencia o štúdiu a konzervácii hlineného architektonického dedi?stva. Do 15. apríla 2007 môžu záujemcovia o aktívnu ú?as? posla? ponuku svojich referátov alebo posterov vo forme abstraktu.