Earthquake in Bam (Iran) – contribution of ICOMOS Foto

Dear Colleagues,
The terrible earthquake that devastated the historic city of Bam in Iran on 26 December 2003 left no-one insensitive to the human tragedy and the loss of cultural heritage. ICOMOS members and officers reacted very quickly and, following consultation with the ICOMOS President and Bureau, a mission was sent on site from 5 to 9 January 2004, closely co-ordinated with our Iranian colleagues so as to avoid any unnecessary inconvenience to them and achieve the best possible results. Foto

In Tehran meetings took place with the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organisation (ICHO – see web site and colleagues of ICOMOS Iran, where the condoleances on behalf of the ICOMOS membership were conveyed. In Bam, a joint mission with Iranian professionals of the ICHO gave a brief opportunity to observe the total devastation of the living neighbourhoods of Bam, including some thirty historic monuments eg. the Bazar, and the damage suffered by the listed archaeological area of the citadel (Arg-e-Bam). The Iranian heritage organisations have reacted very promptly and efficiently, and are currently carrying out documentation work, damage assessment and securing the site. In planning for its recovery our Iranian colleagues have expressed their interest in benefiting from the experience of the ICOMOS network on certain specific questions relating to earthen architecture sites and earthquakes.

As I return from Iran, and in preparation of the Executive Committee meeting which is taking place in Paris from 16 to 20 January 2004, I am writing to all the ICOMOS Committees to share two specific points with you and to ask you to provide us with concise information on case studies, reflections, successful examples of :

– Preventive intervention for earthquakes for earthen architecture monuments and sites
– Post-earthquake disaster measures for such sites (stabilization, emergency salvage etc.)

and to identify any experts in this field from within your Committee or among your professional network who could help us in our future steps in this regard.

I would be grateful if you could send this information and the details of experts to the ICOMOS International Secretariat ( if possible before 16th January 2004 , so that we have it in time for the Executive Committee meeting.

I thank you in advance for your valuable co-operation.

Yours sincerely
Dinu Bumbaru
Secretary General

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International day fot monuments and sites 2004

Theme for 2004 – “Down to Earth” – earthen architecture and heritage
Dear Colleagues,
In 1983, the UNESCO General Conference endorsed a proposal that had grown from an ICOMOS initiative and officially recommended that its member states declare the 18th April, the International Day for Monuments and Sites.

International Day for Monuments and Sites-Ideas on how to celebrate it !

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and SitesIdeas on how to celebrate it !

On 18 April 1982 on the occasion of a symposium organised by ICOMOS Tunisia, which coincided with a meeting of the Bureau in Hammamet, the holding of a International Day for Monuments and Sites to be celebrated simultaneously throughout the world was suggested. This project was approved by the Executive Committee who provided practical suggestions to the National Committees on how to organise this day. Last but not least, the idea was also approved by the UNESCO General Conference…

Australia ICOMOS National Cultural Tourism Committee

Call for Nominations for Chairman
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