Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures

Training Course on Cultural Heritage Protection in the Asia – Pacific Region 2009
– Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures- (8 September – 8 October 2009, Nara, Japan)
This course is jointly organised by Bunkacho (Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan); the Asia/Pacific Cultural
Centre for UNESCO (ACCU); the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of
Cultural Property (ICCROM); and the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties [Tokyo and Nara], in
cooperation with Japanese Association for Conservation of Architectural Monuments (JACAM); Japan
Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; the
Japanese National Commission for UNESCO; Nara Prefectural Government; and Nara Municipal Government.

In Asia and the Pacific region, there are various forms of cultural heritage including those made of wooden
structures which are of great value from a global point of view. Proper investigation, analysis, and preservation of
this important cultural heritage are required by heritage professionals, in order to safeguard them for future
generations. ACCU Nara in partnership with ICCROM and Bunkacho has been organising training courses
since 2000 on this topic with a view to building the capacities of professionals who have been working on cultural
heritage protection in the region. This training course aims to provide participants with the latest methods and
techniques for investigation, analysis, preservation, restoration and management of wooden structures.

Dates and Venue

Course dates: From 8 September (Tue.) to 8 October (Thur.) 2009
Venue: Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office, Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO [Nara Prefectural Government “Horen” Office, 757 Horen-cho, Nara, Japan]


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Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to inform you about a planed international conference on Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The conference will take place in Prague on the 11-12th December.