Medzinárodný kurz konzervácie japonského papiera

Bude sa konať od 13. septembra do 1. októbra 2004 v Tokyu a Kyóte v Japonsku.
Pracovným jazykom bude angličtina. Cena kurzu je 900 Eur. Organizátori môžu poskytnúť najviac pre 10 účastníkov aj štipendiá, pokrývajúce všetky náklady spojené s účasťou na kurze.
ICCROM is pleased to announce the following course:
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper (JPC)

DATES: 13 September – 1 October, 2004

PLACE: Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan

National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo,
ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property)

Many collections all over the world house Japanese paintings, calligraphic works and other paper-based artifacts. The purpose of this course is to offer those caring for such collections outside of Japan an insight into the materials and techniques of the Japanese paper-mounting tradition, and to the principles guiding the care of such collections in Japan. Through improving their understanding of the basic characteristics of the Japanese paper tradition, the participants will be in a better position to make decisions concerning the care of Japanese artifacts in their collections. The course aims also at offering opportunities to build bridges between the Japanese and the Western paper conservation traditions and to assess the applicability of the Japanese approach, materials & techniques also to non-Japanese heritage.

The course is an intensive programme combining theory and practice, through lectures, practical workshops and a study tour to Kyoto to visit traditional paper-making masters and mounting studios.

The course is open to a limited number of conservators-restorers, curators, keepers, and other professionals actively involved in providing preservation and access to cultural heritage. Candidates are invited to provide a 300 word statement describing the relevance of the course to their own working reality. At least three years of working experience is required. Preference will be given to candidates involved in training activities or who are heads of conservation teams.

Art historians, conservation scientists, traditional paper-mounting and conservation specialists from leading institutions in Japan.


900 Euro

A maximum of 10 scholarships including round-trip travel from the participant’s country of origin and subsistence (hotel and meals) in Tokyo during the course will be provided by the Organizers.

Please use the general ICCROM application form which is available at the address below or at the ICCROM Internet website

ICCROM – Training Information and Fellowships Office
13, via di San Michele
Tel (+39) 06 585531 Fax (+39) 06 58553349

Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovensko

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Súvisiace články

International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper

The course:
Many collections all over the world house Japanese paintings, calligraphic works and other paper-based artifacts. The purpose of this course is to offer those caring for such collections outside of Japan an insight into the materials and techniques of the Japanese paper-mounting tradition, and to the principles guiding the care of such collections in Japan. Through improving their understanding of the basic characteristics of the Japanese paper tradition, the participants will be in a better position to make decisions concerning the care of Japanese artifacts in their collections.

The International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

Oslo, Norway, 24 May to 2 July, 2004
Since the first course in 1984, about 190 participants from 74 countries have attended the program. Course concludes with a written examination, which awards university credits if passed. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration during the 6 weeks of training.

ICCROM – Course announcement

ICCROM , in collaboration with the Institut National du Patrimoine (France), the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro and the Opificio delle pietre Dure (Italy), is pleased to announce the fourth session of the International course on “Sharing conservation decisions 2008”.

News from ICCROM 11 | 2003

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International Scientific Conference | Budapest – Pécs (Hungary), May 22-28, 2004
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