The Conservation of Historic Interiors

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The Historic Interiors Section of ICON is continuing its journey

through the conservation and understanding of historic interiors
with its fourth annual Cambridge Conference.

A one-day conference entitled The Country House in the Eighteenth
Century will be held at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, on Friday
13 April 2012.  Following the successful format of previous
conferences, the focus will be a multi-disciplinary, examining the
architecture of English country houses at their finest period,
technical and artistic developments, including the role of the Grand
Tour on decorative interiors and their furnishings, economic
influences of the period and historical and current methods and
costs of maintaining country houses and their historic contents.

The day includes lunch at Corpus Christi College and visits to
selected eighteenth-century interiors in Cambridge.  After the
conference those delegates who are joining the supper party will
assemble by the Porters' Lodge before travelling by punt to a local

The conference fee, including lunch, is UKP75.00 for members and
UKP95.00 for non-members (students UKP35.00).  The evening,
including pub, punt and pasta, will cost UKP30.00.

Accommodation: Rooms in College may be booked in advance for the
nights of 12-13 April 2012 at a cost of UKP75.00 + VAT per night.
This includes breakfast.

Please book early as places are limited.  Cheques should be made out
to "ICON (Historic Interiors)".  Please include your ICON membership
number on the reverse of the cheque.

For further details contact

    Mette de Hamel
    40 Lansdowne Gardens
    London SW8 2EF
    +44 207 622 1620
    mdehamel [at] btinternet__com

Lisa Oestreicher

The Country House in the Eighteenth Century
Corpus Christi College Cambridge
Friday 13 April 2012
Icon Historic Interiors Group

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