The Best In Heritage

The Best In Heritage© (2nd year)
Dubrovnik, 18 – 20/ 22 -23 Sept. 2003
under patronage of ICOM, UNESCO (NC), Europa Nostra and ICOMOS
„The Best in Heritage“ is an international, annual review of the best, awarded achievements in museum and heritage field. It is an occasion where representatives of most successful projects, from museums, sites, attractions to multimedia, will explain why is it that they were proclaimed the best, either internationally or nationally.
They did it last year, 24 of them for the audience of some 100 participants coming from 18 countries. This year the number of projects is 27, coming from 18 countries and far places such as Brasil, New Zealand and Iceland. Five of them are European winners. Dubrovnik, a world heritage site, offers thus excellence of prestigious, indeed, the best professional information and a joy of relaxed socialising in its unique environment.

After an attractive conference day-trip to Elafiti islands, on the 22 and 23 of September at Interuniversity Centre, we continue with HERITOLOGIA – the International Heritage Studies Forum (added to the event „The Best in Heritage“). The Forum is an annual gathering of museologists and their guests, starting this year with conservation projects. The idea remains professional excellence and how to achieve it, but the meeting is meant as the unique think tank and discussion opportunity among top theoreticians and the guest practitioners upon trends and tendencies in museums and heritage enhanced by the examples of the most excellent case studies. The presence of students will make it true professional community. The colleagues who participate solely at HERITOLOGIA Forum are not required to pay any registration fee.

For more information, programme and the registration form please contact us:

at the web site:
or by e-mail:;
or by writing to:
Prof. Tomislav Šola,
European Heritage Association
Krešimirov trg 7,
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
(facsimile: ++385 1 455 04 24)

Zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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The Best In Heritage 2004

Dubrovnik, 16-18(21) Sept. 2004 (3rd Year)
„THE BEST IN HERITAGE“ is a major international forum which provides a promotional spotlight on the most professionally creative and educational heritage developments all over the world. Each year we provide an international showcase and presentation forum for over twenty award-winning and innovative projects, and present them to the wider professional public and the international media. It is a unique gathering of heritage expertise and international exchange of ideas.
This is not a competition. We do not evaluate these projects or give prizes; – we just present their excellence and share it with the interested, ambitious colleagues.

Save Our Historic Villages

The motto of the International Day for Monuments and Sites on 18 April 2001 is „Save Our Historic Villages“. Historic villages world-wide and the corresponding building traditions are threatened to disappear. The extent of this threat has already been illustrated by several reports in ICOMOS‘ first World Report on monuments and sites in danger (Heritage @ Risk). In connection with the annual Heritage @ Risk report ICOMOS will therefore continue to use the opportunity of coming International Days for Monuments and Sites to point out certain types or groups of particularly endangered monuments, sites and cultural landscapes…

Ideas for the teaching of cultural heritage

During four years (1999-2002) EPA carried out a series of surveys to have an overview of the relationship between schools and museums in Africa. The first survey took place in 20 countries and concentrated on the attendance to museums and related institutions…

Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites

Training Workshop on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites
Hiroshima, Japan, 18 to 21 April 2005

Dear Friends,
UNITAR Hiroshima Office for Asia and the Pacific launched in 2003 a three-year series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, aiming at a better use of the World Heritage Convention.

International day fot monuments and sites 2004

Theme for 2004 – “Down to Earth” – earthen architecture and heritage
Dear Colleagues,
In 1983, the UNESCO General Conference endorsed a proposal that had grown from an ICOMOS initiative and officially recommended that its member states declare the 18th April, the International Day for Monuments and Sites.

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and Sites

The origin of the International Day for Monuments and Sites
Ideas on how to celebrate it!
On 18 April 1982 on the occasion of a symposium organised in ICOMOS Tunisia, which coincided with a meeting of the Bureau in Hammamet, the holding of the International Day for Monuments and Sites to be celebrated simultaneously throughout the world was suggested.