Mummy: the inside story Fotografia Mumie

Coming in July in British Museum… Mummy: the inside story starts 1 July An extraordinary virtual reality film and exhibition.
From 1 July, an extraordinary virtual reality film and its accompanying exhibition will be unveiled at the British Museum. For the first time, the unopened 3,000-year old mummy of Nesperennub, priest of Karnak, will reveal its secrets. Fotografia Mumie

Data obtained using a CT scanner has been transformed into a unique ‘virtual mummy’ which can be examined interactively in 3D stereo. You will be able to look inside the mummy-case and under the wrappings, even travel inside the body, and wonder at Nesperennub’s recreated face. Don’t miss this extraordinary insight into the life and death of the Ancient Egyptians.

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The Africa Garden

Over the years the BBC’s Ground Force programme has led millions of fans down more than 130 garden paths, creating backyard paradises in just days and teaching viewers along the way about different ‘plant practices’ from around the world.

British Museum – Wealth of africa

20 January – 26 June 2005, Admission free
Africa has a long and rich history, spanning ancient kingdoms, colonialism and independence. The story begins with the use of weighed metal in ancient Egypt, and with Africa’s earliest coins in Cyrenaica (modern-day Libya) in the sixth century BC.

Portraits on coins and medals

The British Museum, until 18 July 2004
This exhibition looks at the story of the familiar feature of many of the coins we use today: the side bearing the head of the head of state (in the UK this is HM Queen Elizabeth II). Before the widespread use of photography and the printed image, coins and medals could transmit an image of a ruler far more widely than any other medium – and were therefore an important and convenient way to consolidate power and assert influence. As artefacts, they remain a fascinating record of images of people who lived in times long past.

Made in africa

20 January – 3 April, Admission free
The oldest objects in the British Museum are stone tools made in Africa nearly two million years ago. They were found at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.

Collector Božena KOUTNÍKOVÁ (1876 – 1942)

We have long forgotten the Koutníks, an elderly couple, who had lived in Čelákovice since the beginning of the thirties of the twentieth century. They had moved from the town of Most to the rather quiet town of Čelákovice situated near Prague in 1931. They had chosen a house in the villa quarter near the railway station to spend their retirement. Božena Koutníková (*1876 in Nová Paka +1942 in Čelákovice) had thus made her dream come true to live in the Elbe region that attracted her by its nature and especially by its famous citizens.

The ‘Queen of the Night’ Relief

Old Babylonian, 1800-1750 BC
From southern Iraq
A major acquisition for the British Museum’s 250th anniversary
This large plaque is made of baked straw-tempered clay, modelled in high relief. The figure of the curvaceous naked woman was originally painted red.