aktivita diskusia Všeobecné diskusie Shellac on ceramics


  • Shellac on ceramics

    Posted by harp on 28. januára 2007 at 16:18

    We are currently investigating the staining of ceramics caused by
    shellac; more specifically the purple/red discoloration that occurs
    when reversing old, unrefined shellac (caused by the presence of lac
    dye in the shellac) with solvent mixtures. We are hoping to hear
    from anyone who has observed this phenomena and if so, under what
    conditions they occurred and what, if anything, was done to
    remove/reduce the staining.

    This study is a collaborative project between the Los Angeles County
    Museum of Art and the J. Paul Getty Museum in an effort to
    understand and treat the problem of lac dye staining on ceramics and
    will be published. Please reply directly to

    Marie Svoboda <msvoboda getty__edu>
    Charlotte Eng <ceng lacma__org>

    Marie Svoboda
    Associate Conservator
    Antiquities Conservation
    J. Paul Getty Museum

    harp odpovedal 17 years, 9 months ago 1 Člen · 0 odpovede/odpovedí
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