aktivita diskusia Všeobecné diskusie Dictionary


  • Posted by jupiter on 18. mája 2006 at 13:39

    Somewhere in discussion were objections against this English forum, so I´m putting here short, but helpfull English-Slovak Dictionary: :wink:

    Základný ANGLICKO – ŠARISSKÝ slovník

    DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? – Znaš rečovac jak toten Buš?
    WHERE DO YOU LIVE? – Ta co piješ?
    COME ON! – Ta idzeme na to, ne?
    TOUCH ME… – Ulap me!
    CAN WE HAVE A BEER, PLEASE – Ta šturime po pifku, ne?
    I LIKE POTATOES – Žerem grule.
    OH, HE IS SO HANDSOME! – Ta bars šumny toten hlop!
    BE COOL! – Netreba še šarpac!
    BREAK ON TROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE – Predzigac še na druhú stranu.
    YOU ARE CRAZY! – Ta co ci rajbe už načisto?
    I LOST MY MIND – Šalena ja bula.
    WHAT A HOT WEATHER! – Psy jazyky vyvaľuju.
    WHERE WERE YOU? – Ta dze si ty bul!
    FINALLY, IT STOPS RAINING. – Prestalo peršec.
    YOU MAKE ME ANGRY. – Ta ši me nadzigal!!!
    A PAIR OF SOCKS – Štrimfle
    YOU ARE OLD FASHIONED – Ši jak jebo z lesa.
    SOMEWHERE HERE – Dzeskaj tu.

    freya odpovedal 18 years, 2 months ago 3 Členovia · 4 odpovede/odpovedí
  • 4 odpovede/odpovedí
  • lucia

    31. mája 2006 at 0:06

    Thanks a lot in the name of all “Vychodnaroch” 8)
    For elementary students I can recoommend a film “Pasla kone na betone” /She pastured horses on the concrete/ :D
    Bratislava and region may need subtitles from the beginning. But do not give up!!!

  • jupiter

    31. mája 2006 at 9:55

    Lucia, I was born In Kosice, so thank You. :lol:

    I´ll recommend You a film Hostel, where is something about “culture of Bratislava.” :smt044
    Or Eurotrip :D

  • lucia

    31. mája 2006 at 17:09

    I was born in Presov. That’s why I recommended “Pasla kone…” :)
    I am not sure if I want to see the film mentioned … /Hostel/. I think there are more much more interesting opportunities how to spend time and discover “culture” of Bratislava.
    E.g. U can spend some time going round Trnavske myto and meet very kind and interesting people or U can speak with various people sitting on the benches and a fountain in Safarikovo square etc. Do not miss it!!! :D
    Not to forget: you can have a look at the web site lonelyplanet.com how nicely they do describe our capital city!!! :smt119

  • freya

    31. mája 2006 at 17:17

    The french band “Bratislaboys” is a better way to go..
    rocucu rucucu stash stash.. it`s truly great music! :smt078

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