aktivita diskusia História, genealógia a heraldika Rodokmeň grek.kat.kňazov

  • karol-nagy

    5. februára 2007 at 8:20

    Týmito sa zaoberá aj Juraj Cisarik:

    vid.: prispevok nizsie…

  • Anonymous

    5. februára 2007 at 9:19

    – – – G E N E A L O G Y B OO K – – –
    send from: cisarikjuraj @ orangemail dot sk

    My name is Juraj CISARIK and I live in Eastern Slovakia (former Czechoslovakia).

    My grandfather (Jan Cisarik, born 1909) was the Greek Catholic priest and his wife was named Helena Mankovicova b.1913 /Mankovich/.

    I have, so far, managed to collect the names of about 300 other priests and more than 2000 their common relations. All they are genealogical connected themselves.

    In my family tree I have also a person named Gabriel MARTYAK who was as a bishop in USA (Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church) in 1916 to 1924.

    I would like to correspondate with you about our family trees in future.

    And I would like to offer you my book „THE GENEALOGY OF GREEK CATHOLIC PRIESTS IN THE CARPATHIAN REGION (EAST SLOVAKIA) 1674 to 2004“.
    It is the first edition, size is 21x29cm(A4) and it is a 700 longpages publication.
    It is written in english and slovak languages. This book is hand made hard bookbinding and printed nonserial by me.

    The samples of LAST NAMES, that they are included in the book:
    . . . Adamkovic, Bacinsky, Bajcura, Brinsky, Bardossy, Bobak, Cisarik, Dudinsky, Dezubay, Dzubay, Gavris, Gerbery, Gojdic, Gulovich, Halko, Hauris, Hodermarsky, Hodobay, Hucko, Chanath, Ilkovic, Kapisinsky, Kopcay, Kello, Kelly, Kristof, Leukanic, Mankovic, Mankovich, Mankovits, Martyak, Michalic, Mirossay, Molcanyi, Pavlovic, Petrasovsky, Petrasovic, Petrick, Podhajecky, Popovich, Rojkovic, Rokiczky, Russnak, Sereghy, Simko, Szekely, Takac, Takach, Toronsky, Ujhelyi, Varzaly, Vislocky, Vojtovic, Zacharias, Zapotocky, Zavacky, Zedenyi, Zima, Zorvan, Zubricky . . .

    P L E A S E, C O N T A C T M E on email adress:
    cisarikjuraj @ orangemail dot sk

    I will answer all your questions immediately.

    Best Regards,
    Juraj Cisarik

    my adress by normal post:
    Juraj Cisarik
    Hlinkova 22
    040 01 Kosice

  • rudo

    7. februára 2007 at 20:18

    Karol myslím, že sa poznáme. Asi pred 2 rokmi sme komunikovali ohľadom fóra, ktoré je na biskupskej www stránke.
    Je to tak ?

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