Cyklus přednášek o restaurování předmětů z plastů

Fakulta chemické technologie Ústav chemické technologie restaurování památek Vás zvou na Cyklus přednášek o restaurování předmětů z plastů, který se koná ve středu dne 27. května 2009 v budově VŠCHT v Praze, Technická 5, Praha 6 – Dejvice, budova B, posluchárna BII.

Program cyklu přednášek:
10:45 – 11:10 Prezence účastníků (před posluchárnou BII)
11:10 – 11:15 Doc. Ing. Petr Kotlík, CSc. (ICT Prague): Úvodní slovo a představení přednášejících

11:15 – 11:45 Dr. Thea B. van Oosten (ICN Amsterdam): Introduction – research at ICN
11:45 – 12:30 Anna Laganà (ICN Amsterdam): The conservation of polypropylene tapestries
12:30 – 12:45 Questions and discussion to the conservation of polypropylene tapestries

12:45 – 13:15 Lunch

13:15 – 14:00 Dr. Thea B. van Oosten (ICN Amsterdam): The conservation of a polyvinylchloride balloon
14:00 – 14:15 Questions and discussion to the conservation of a polyvinylchloride balloon
14:15 – 15:00 Anna Laganà (ICN Amsterdam): The conservation of the mobile home a polyester sculpture
15:00 – 15:15 Questions and discussion to the conservation of the mobile home a polyester sculpture

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 – 16:30 Dr. Thea B. van Oosten (ICN Amsterdam): The conservation of polyurethane flexible foam artworks
16:30 – 16:45 Questions and discussion to the conservation of polyurethane flexible foam artworks

Vstupné – zahrnující občerstvení a texty – 100,- , studenti 50,- (platba na místě v hotovosti). Kapacita je omezená – přihlaste se prosím pouze potvrzením účasti e-mailem na adresu co nejdříve, nejpozději do 25.5.2009.
Přednášet budou odbornice z Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN),
Conservation Research Department, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dr. Thea B. van Oosten
Since 1975, she has been employed as a conservation scientist at the Central Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science (CRL) which is now Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN). In 1980 she took an eight year’s leave, completing a master in analytical chemistry at the University of Amsterdam and teaching conservation science at the Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam, the training programme for Museology.
In 1988, she started work again at the CRL at the conservation research department as senior conservation scientist, specialised in Fourier transform (FTIR) infrared spectroscopy. In 1989 she started the research programme on modern materials and has been developing that ever since.
Specialised in the conservation of modern and contemporary art and design objects of Cultural Heritage she has contributed to several publications and books, such as ‘Plastics, Collecting and Conserving’ and ‘Plastics in Art’. She disseminates knowledge and experience by teaching courses and workshops and giving lectures on this topic both in the Netherlands and abroad
She was involved in several International research projects, supported either by the European Union or by industry and business, dealing with modern, contemporary art and design conservation topics. She is currently teaching conservation of plastics at the conservation school of ICN, and in various workshops around the world. She is also member of modern materials conservation students’ exam committees in the Netherlands and in Germany.
In 1992, she joined the historical plastics research scientist working group (HPRSWG) founded by English conservations scientists. Been a member of IIC-NL since 1988, she has been a board member of IIC- Netherlands Group from 1994 –1998 and in this capacity was responsible for the organisation of special one day conferences and workshops. She was appointed to the preprints committee for the IIC conference, – Modern Art – New Museums in Bilbao, Spain, 2004.
As a member of ICOM-CC since 1993, she has been active in ICOM-CC contributing papers and serving as assistant Co-ordinator of the ICOM-CC working group on modern materials from 1996 till 1999. From 1999 until 2005, she was co-ordinator of this Working Group. In this period the working group organised together with the University of Applied Arts in Cologne, the successful interim meeting in 2001 which resulted in the publication of the book, Plastics in Art. Since September 2005 she is member of the Directory Board of ICOM-CC.

Anna Laganà
Anna Laganà is a modern and contemporary art conservator at the Nederland Institute for Cultural Heritage. She is trained as a painting conservator at the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro in Rome (2004) where she is specialized in modern and contemporary art conservation with a thesis on history, technique, degradation and conservation of plastics materials in art.
After concluded her conservation training programme with honours , she won a scholarship (2005) granted by La Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia and Accademia di Belle Arti of Venice, for a training as Contemporary Art Guide during the 51st International Art Exhibition of the Biennale of Venice.
In 2006 she attended the “Masterclass of Plastics” at the ICN in Amsterdam. In the same year Anna did a Master in Conservation Teaching at the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale in Turin. Part of this training included an internship at the research department of the ICN, where she focussed on modern and contemporary art conservation.
In 2007 she returned to ICN for a period of 4 month to increase her knowledge on plastics conservation research working as intern with Thea van Oosten and to work for the European project “Finger Art Print” with Bill Wei.
In Italy Anna was employed as lecturer, as free lance paintings- and modern art conservator for several ateliers and institutes such as the Biennale of Venice, and as coordinator of the Modern and Contemporary Art Laboratory for the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale (2004-2008)
From October 2008, following her interest for researching plastics materials, Anna started again her collaboration with the ICN working with Thea Van Oosten as researcher /conservator for the European project POPART on Preservation Of Plastics Artefacts in museum collection.
Anna is founding member of the INCCA Italy group where she is involved as coordinator junior for the education and teaching section and as referent of plastics materials.

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Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to inform you about a planed international conference on Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The conference will take place in Prague on the 11-12th December.

Prírodovedné poznatky pre konzervátorov

15. – 18. novembra 2004 sa bude v Somersete, štát New Jersey, USA konať dvojdňový seminár o prírodných vedách pre konzervátorov, ktorý organizuje New York Conservation Foundation v rámci svojho programu Eastern Analytical Symposium. Témou prvého dňa seminára bude kontaminácia zbierok, druhý deň bude venovaný konsolidácii prírodného kameňa.

Martin Weaver | 1938 – 2004

Martin Weaver was an internationally recognised expert on the conservation of buildings and other heritage items ranging from steam locomotives to U-boats. Trained as an architect in London, Martin began working on archaeological sites in Britain and the Middle East and developed a life-long interest in the science of materials and their conservation.