Boursa – Turkey APRIL 2003
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the IFLAC International Conference in Boursa, Turkey, on “Conflict Resolution Through Culture.” The Conference will embrace a range of discourses and topics combining scholarly work with position papers, background briefings, testimonial accounts, workshops, and discussion groups. It will also include creative peace literature: poems and drama, as well as musical and artistic presentations.The Conference will address the cultural root causes of conflict, violence terror and war, and will examine the ways and means for “Conflict Resolution Through Cultural Bridges,” and for building a Culture and Literature of Peace.
What we read and watch on TV, movies and media and the basic values, attitudes and norms we acquire through them, affect us and motivate us all our lives. All wars and conflicts have at their roots cultural causes, we will examine them and suggest ways to build bridges for promoting the culture of peace in the Middle East and in the world.
We are looking forward to your participation at the IFLAC Conference in beautiful Boursa, the historic ancient capital of Turkey.

Dr. Hussamettin Olgun, Director of IFLAC in Turkey
Professor Ada Aharoni, IFLAC World President.

For details of the IFLAC – TURKEY Conference, please visit the following website.

Secretary of the Conference: Hakan Emrah OLGUN, Email:

zdroj: ICOMOS Slovakia

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Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to inform you about a planed international conference on Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The conference will take place in Prague on the 11-12th December.

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International Scientific Conference | Budapest – Pécs (Hungary), May 22-28, 2004
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