ALBERTO GIACOMETTI v Múzeu krásnych umení v Budapešti

Ten, koho zaujala alebo komu unikla nedávna výstava diel tohto autora v Galérii mesta Bratislavy – Mirbachovom paláci (pozri, má ešte do 15. júna možnosť vidieť ďalšiu výstavu jedného z najslávnejších sochárov 20. storočia.V Budapešti výstava diel Alberta Giacomettiho vystriedala mimoriadne úspešnú výstavu „Claude Monet a priatelia“, ktorú videlo neuveriteľných štvrť milióna návštevníkov. A. Giacometti (1901 – 1966) sa narodil vo Švajčiarsku, ale väčšinu svojho tvorivého života prežil v Paríži. Jeho vysoké, jako ceruzka tenké postavy, sú ľahko poznateľné. Giacometti patrí k tým nemnohým umelcom, ktorých diela už počas života oplyvnili ďalších autorov.

ALBERTO GIACOMETTI at the Museum of Fine Arts
23rd March – 15th June, 2004

The Claude Monet and Friends exhibition, which ran at the Museum of Fine Arts from 1st December, 2003 to 15th March, 2004, was seen by a staggering quarter of a million visitors. That exhibition has now closed, but another is poised to follow in its phenomenal success. The Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest is proud to present the first exhibition in Hungary devoted to the life and work of Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966), one of the most celebrated sculptors of the twentieth century.

The Swiss-born artist spent most of his working life in Paris, and is one of those rare body of people whose output became a seminal influence to others in his field during his own lifetime. His tall, pencil-thin figures are instantly recognizable, even to those who may not be able put a name to them.

It is a particular joy for the Museum of Fine Arts to be able to stage this prestigious exhibition, as hitherto the Hungarian public has only seen reproductions of Giacometti’s sculptures and paintings.

Further information:
Museum of Fine Arts
Tel: 469-7100 Fax: 469-7171


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